Am I the only one who really saw the movie Jerry McGuire?
That hit movie starring Tom Cruise had everyone repeating the famous line, "Show me the money!"
I didn't watch the movie for nearly one year after it was released because I thought it was all about greed. Since everyone who saw the movie smiled and repeated that one line --- "Show me the money!" --- as if it were some sort of national mantra, I wasn't interested.
But then one day Nerissa and I wanted to watch something on television. As luck would have it, Jerry McGuire was coming on the tube right about then. So we settled in to watch it.
I was amazed. The movie wasn.t about greed at all. Yes, Jerry came from a money-hungry place, but he soon learned that that mindset wasn't going to work.
Greed was out.
Greed was a dead-end street.
Greed led to a poverty of spirit.
Instead, Jerry the sports agent learns about the power of passion. When he truly starts to care for his client, to look for and activate the heart in the one player he represents (who does the same for him), then and only then does he start to taste real success and start to experience real happiness.
Oh, there's no doubt the refrain "Show me the money!" is a catchy one. It.s done so well in the movie, and said so often, and delivered with such upbeat emotion in the one unforgettable scene, that you can't help but remember it.
But that's not what the movie is about. Not to me. The movie is about show me your heart, not show me your money.
Giving is like that.
If you give because you want money, you are not giving but simply trading.
If you give because your heart sings to do so, then you are truly giving.
It's the difference between "Show me the money!" and "Show me your heart."
The universe responds to your heart, not your money. The money is just a symbol.
Give money from your heart.
When you do, very quickly and in the most surprising ways, the universe itself will then "Show you the money!"
But don't give to get. Don't give as a negotiation with the universe.
Give to give.
Written on Friday, August 31, 2007 by The Pupil
Show Me The Money!
Filed Under:
Joe Vitale,
money attraction
Written on Monday, August 6, 2007 by The Pupil
The Summer JV Giveaway!
Filed Under:
psychology of advertising
Summer heat got you down? If so, be prepared to get refreshed!
I've recently partnered with Rob Richards to help bring you one of the biggest and HOTTEST marketing giveaways you'll ever see.
A huge number of marketers have come together to offer you a bucket load of free products - software, ebooks, video, audio and memberships - ALL for fre*e!
All you have to do is register to collect your fre*e goodies. Here's your personal invite from me:
Summer JV Give Away
See you on the inside - come on in an get refreshed!
And now...
You can download one of my gift posted on Summer JV Give Away, below:
Walter Dill Scott

Here’s what he says about this work:
“The only book on advertising I read as a youth was written by Professor Walter Dill Scott of Northeastern University and was titled ‘The Psychology of Advertising’. I still think it is one of the finest books ever written on the subject – and that his formula for successful advertising has never been surpassed.”
Maxwell Sackheim
Creator of “Book of the Month” club
And Mail Order guru
After learning that, we didn’t need much convincing that we should read this book and find out all the secrets it held.
This book is an absolute treasure trove of psychological reasoning and insight into what makes people buy and respond to advertising.
Although some of the material is dated – the concepts are just as valid today as they were nearly a century ago when Professor Scott first introduced them. In fact, it’s a fair bet that not 1 in 100 so-called “gurus” could even tell you who Professor Scott was. But their borrowed ideas and much of their “secret” information is probably derived from what he discovered all those years ago.
To be honest with you. This is a classic manuscript, for sure, and it is fairly hard to read, the secrets are in there but, you’ve just got to search a little bit harder that’s all. You may want to read this book several times before some of the points are rammed home to you.
However, you don’t necessarily have to do that. Some of the out-dated material has been edited out by us and the bullets points below highlight all the most important points for you, so you can get straight down to the nitty-gritty:
- Use the irresistible power of “direct commands” to achieve immediate action to your ads. Professor Scott found certain words that work wonders. This is on page 136
- The little-known psychological trigger to gaining a prospect’s immediate attention. Find this on page 18
- Solve one of the biggest problems all advertisers face – getting attention! Here are 4 psychological principles that really work. You’ll find them on page 87
- The 5 immutable laws of “idea association”. Find out on page 56 why you need to start using these.
- 4 secrets to making your ad stick to a prospect’s memory like Velcro. Most people forget any message within 2 seconds – don’t let that happen to your ad with the information contained on page 9
- One glaring mistake most companies make (even today) that are costing them thousands in lost sales. Could you be making this same glaring mistake? You’ll never know unless you go to page 33
- 9 ways to awaken the prospect’s imagination and get them to buy even if they cannot see, touch, taste or hear your product or service (perfect for the internet). See what this is on page 36
And this is just the tip of the iceberg – because you’ll also discover:
- What “triggers” you can use to enter your prospects’ mind just as they’re thinking of your product or service. You’ll find what they are on page 63
- 2 ways you can use the power of suggestion to create immediate action. See page 49
- How to make your product or service so well known that your competitors ads will actually work for you. Find out how on page 32
- 3 key points to making “fusion” work for you – instead of against your ad. Very important for any kind of product that needs a credibility boost. See page 101
- Discover the 5 steps all prospects use before they decide to buy. Understand these and you can be on your way to a fortune. What are they? Find out on page 63
- What to do so that your product or service is the only possible choice a prospect can make. Find out the two ways to make sure that this happens. See page 130
- The top 7 reasons why customers buy (hint: price is NOT #1). Turn to page 71
- What kind of pictures succeed to attracting attention. See page 11
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