Initially, we shall explore a few ways on how the rich act in accordance with their thinking and how we can apply these ways to encourage and guide us in doing the same.
Always keep in mind that you can attract as much money as you desire by knowing that it is all in the mind.
It is what you choose to think, and act upon, that produces the money you want. What you think will be, will be.
Control Your Expenses
When I was still young, I used to hear the expression: “Live within your means.” I think nowadays, we need to correct this expression by changing “within” to “below.”
These days, if we work for somebody or for a corporation, we need to set aside some savings which we can use for a “rainy day.” There is never enough savings, that is why we sometimes find a second job. And this is the reason why we want to improve our lives financially, by getting off the “rat race” and achieving financial freedom.
Sometimes, we have the uncontrollable habit of buying things we don’t actually need, especially when items are “on sale.” We stock up on things that are “on sale” thinking that we are saving.
At first thought, it seems we are, but on second thought, we are actually losing.
Foodstuffs get spoiled. Clothes go out of fashion. Appliances’ warranties expire even before they are used. Sometimes, they become defective due to prolonged storage. And new models are introduced which makes what you have on hand, obsolete or phased out.
This might probably be the reason why they are “on sale.” If you notice, most electronic appliances are expensive the first time they are introduced and they become cheaper in time.
We stock up on things thinking that a similar opportunity might not come our way the next time. I hate to say this but probably some products are excessively produced on purpose, to be put up “on sale” if not completely sold while regularly priced.
To some producers, it’s cheaper to sell at cost or minimum profit than to keep under storage, not to mention expiration dates. This is also one way to promote a product. You see, when people know that a certain product sometimes goes “on sale,” they always have the product on mind.
It’s free advertisement at its best. The product makers don’t lose money anyway. On the contrary, they make money.
All too often, even the rich people fall prey to this kind of promotion. The poor and middle class would say: “I might as well spend my savings on these items since little savings are not going to make me rich anyway.”
And you know what happens to your house if you keep on stocking up? You turn your house into a warehouse. There will be clutter everywhere, especially when your house isn’t big enough.
You buy things “on sale,” only if you intend to sell them for a profit and not for your own future consumption. Keeping a reasonable quantity is justifiable.
Be prudent. This is one habit that we need to improve or correct.
If you are making enough or more than enough, keep in mind that it is not how much you make that can make you rich. It is how much you spend and how much you keep.
Some of us have the habit of buying luxuries the moment we have the money or credit line for it. Most rich people, in spite of being rich, buy luxuries last.
With the money you keep, books are some of the best investments. They keep you skillful. They open up new horizons which can lead to creating wealth. The same thing is true with seminars, tapes, and other media related to acquiring financial knowledge.
Be Generous
Many people think that rich people are selfish, that’s why they have lots of money at hand. This may be true in some cases; however, there are a lot more individuals who are wealthy because they know how to give.
When you give something from your heart without expecting anything in return, you release a powerful force that will trigger your good deed to "bounce" back to you in amazing, and sometimes unusual ways.
Whenever possible, be generous in giving to others. You will notice that what you receive, or the return, will be more than what you give. As humans, we have the tendency to reciprocate what we receive. But don’t give for the sake of expecting something in return. Give freely from your heart, and the rewards would be greater.
The act of giving can summon the spirit of joy to come into your heart. How would you feel when you've given something to your less fortunate neighbors? Let me tell you that nothing could brighten up a day more than hearing them express their most heartfelt gratitude and seeing their smiles extend from ear to ear.
Giving is also a healthy habit. It could prolong your life by instilling within you an inner sense of peace and accomplishment.
What you give doesn’t necessarily have to be something material. It can also be time, effort, talent, service, or even an affectionate feeling.
Just like all things in life, giving has its limitations. Being too generous can have its toll. Your kindness might be taken advantage of and people might abuse your good intentions. Beware of individuals who are continuously seeking your aid. It's better to teach them how to solve their problems than to always attend to their needs.
As the saying goes ...
"Give them some fish and you'll feed them for a day. Teach them how to fish and you'll feed them for a lifetime."
Lastly, here's what I consider the most important rule about giving. Keep your good deeds to yourself. Don't announce to the whole world that you've donated $100,000 to your favorite charity or that you've helped save a child from a life-threatening disease.
If you really desire to give, do it secretly and in private.
Some people would write "anonymous" rather than their own names when they've made a contribution. The universe smiles upon these individuals, and they will get their just rewards in due time.
Consider this: If you are on the giving end, doesn’t it mean that you are in a better position than the recipient? Doesn’t it complement your character?
Written on Sunday, December 16, 2007 by The Pupil
Think And Act Rich
Filed Under:
Secret to wealth
Written on Saturday, December 15, 2007 by The Pupil
Program Yourself For Riches!
Filed Under:
Secret to wealth
There is no doubt that thoughts do direct your actions. And thoughts do have power and can help you accomplish many things. What you think is what you do and who you are. If you think poverty, you will always live in poverty. If you think of prosperity, you will always be prosperous. The secret is to the way you program your mind.
Some people have a sense of entitlement and actually depend on others to cater to their will.
This is the mindset they have.
It was programmed into them from the beginning. Because of this mindset, these people fail every time they seek to establish anything in life for themselves. Whether it involves going into business, making friends, or whatever else they do, if they have the mindset that the world should cater to them, they are doomed to everlasting misery and loneliness.
And there are people who are kindhearted but have been hurt so many times in their lives that they have been programmed to believe that relationships mean pain, so they avoid dating or getting into a relationship.
There are people who are good, hard working people, whose only goal in life is to make something of themselves and do so without hurting others.
They put on the mentality that they can’t get rich because the rich are bad people. That the rich are mean and will defraud others quickly to make lots of money. Because of this mentality, they never get rich, but only live from paycheck to paycheck.
As you can see there are many scenarios of people who function in life based on their core beliefs or programming, instilled into them since they were babies, or which they had learned at some point in their lives, which resulted in a shift in their thinking and awareness.
There are people who will actually commit self-sabotage because they don’t know any better.
They think they are doing the right thing but in fact they set themselves up for failure every time they try something.
And if you try to reason with them about it, and explain to them what they are doing, they just look at you blankly and claim that everything that happens to them is based on other people, the economy, or other factors, but they will not look at themselves as the problem.
This is because they only look at things from the conscious level. What they see in front of them is what they believe. They only go by what input they receive in their conscious mind and this is the root of their problems. They can only see or think about what is in their conscious mind and that limits their abilities beyond all comprehension. If the eyes can play tricks on you, well, the conscious mind can also play tricks on you.
If you listen to your conscious mind, you won’t get far because you will only perceive what you see in front of you. But if your subconscious mind has been programmed properly, you can experience untold amounts of prosperity. On the other hand, if your subconscious mind was program incorrectly you can end up believing wrong things such as:
Rich people are evil. This is how they get rich. They are pompous, arrogant, and dishonest in the way they deal with others. And in order to get rich you have to be just like them.
Poor people are special because they have no money to keep them tied down so they can go out there and do whatever comes to mind to make them happy. They are mainly nice people whose only goal in life is to make a living for their family and die penniless.
It is the right thing to be poor.
It is a spiritual aspect of oneself to be in a poor state. This way you stay humble and worship God the way he wants you to without restrictions.
These are just some of the types of programming we often face. But these are not the only beliefs we had programmed into our subconscious. We also have other ideas and thoughts including reasons why we lack greatness and have no prosperity in life.
Everything we absorb in our everyday existence affects us not only consciously but subconsciously as well. Why? Because what gets fed into our conscious goes into our subconscious. If you read a good book you have happy thoughts. If you read a book on horror, nine times out of ten you will have a nightmare. If you focus on what the news presents, you will start absorbing this into your brain, which will have an effect on you either for good or for bad.
Remember, the way you act now is the way you were programmed from the past. This is an important concept you must understand and retain.
The life you have right now, no matter what you have or don’t have, the way you act or don’t act, the attitudes you have or don’t have; every part of your very being is the direct result of the way you were programmed from when you were born till your present moment.
Every single step you took, you were programmed to do. Every word you heard from someone, you took and placed into your conscious. And what happens to input that goes into the conscious? That’s right, it goes into the subconscious for processing, which in turn creates a reaction, or what was processed is stored in memory for later retrieval.
Every day of your life, from the day you were born to the present, you were being programmed. But the question is: which type of programming did you receive? If you received good programming you’ll end up being a good person with strong character and moral ethics, who will in turn be guided by the right principles. However, if you are programmed incorrectly, you could end up becoming a juvenile delinquent, a drug abuser, an alcoholic, or even a prisoner in a jail.
When you are programmed incorrectly, this programming may not be bad in itself. It may just be stated in a way that downplays who you really are.
For example, if you are born into a particular race, and for years that race was downtrodden because of hatred and prejudice, this core belief or programming may be given to you at some point when you are young and that programming will go into your conscious mind then into your subconscious mind for processing.
The end result is that when the child faces a situation where his ethnicity or race is challenged, he’ll remember that programming and he’ll take some kind of drastic step to relieve the pain or anguish he may feel based on what associations he had developed with that programming when it occurred the first time. Unfortunately, what often happens in this kind of situation the person ends up committing murder or suicide.
Another kind of scenario may be when a person is born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
This means the person is born in a family that is richer than anyone else in the community.
This child will have been programmed from infancy to believe that money is the most important concern in the world, that nothing else matters in life but to have money. This child is programmed to understand the laws around money and to learn to grasp money as if it was their god. They are told in their programming to respect money as a weapon to achieve greatness in life, and to look down on anyone who does not have money like the child’s family does. This does occur in the homes of the filthy rich and is unfortunate because it leads the child to accept the notion that rich people are better than anyone else.
Of course, there is the other extreme. A child could be born from an unwed mother living in the ghetto.
She may program her child to accept the fact he will be poor all of his life. And because of this he will grow up to be poor, or maybe get into trouble with the law.
Or imagine a person who has been conditioned about starting a business.
On the other hand, the person described above could become so hesitant about starting a business, all because of his programming, that he misses a great opportunity to make it big in a business venture and get rich.
Unfortunately, these kinds of situations happen to many people every single day. It all stems from their programming. It has so much to do with your mindset and what was planted there from birth to the present day. And you may not even know it because it came in such a way that you didn’t know you received it. It was like subliminal messages.
This is why it is so vital that you monitor your thoughts as you progress through the day.
You don’t want to focus your time and attention on aspects of any input that may disqualify you from getting the proper programming you need to overcome any previous programming that may have affected you in an adverse way.
That could be compared to a garden. If you plant a bunch of seeds you do not want to just leave them there to grow without taking care of them. If you leave the garden unattended, what will happen is that weeds will grow among the plants. The weeds will grow along with the plants and maybe even become a part of the plants or suffocate them by grabbing a lot of the soil's nutrients.
To overcome such a problem, the garden needs to be cultivated and cared for on a regular basis.
A garden well cared for will produce an abundance of plants and vegetables to the delight of the grower.
This goes for the conscious and subconscious mind.
If you continue to feed negative thoughts into your conscious mind, these thoughts will be processed in your subconscious mind. In turn they will be used to serve their purpose at the necessary time.
But if you feed your conscious mind upbuilding or good thoughts, these will also get processed in the subconscious mind and stay in memory for use at a later time. Don’t forget one principle here.
The subconscious mind does not know what is right or wrong. It doesn’t know what is good or bad. It only processes what it receives. And that is all it does. You have to be in control of what the subconscious mind processes. It is by your vigilance that you can prevent bad thoughts from getting into your mind and causing you pain and frustration later.
In some cases, you may have to completely alter your core beliefs in order to replace them with more productive beliefs. As you learn and grow in life and you realize what He was programmed by his father who was also self-employed, but failed at his business, to accept the fact that once he starts a business he will fail within two years. Now he could go into this business venture he wants to get involved with without thinking about it or doing any research and end up losing his shirt because he wasn’t careful enough.
This is mainly the result of his programming.
He thought he could get rich fast, but when he entered into the actual business, his previous programming intervened and caused him to sabotage his business to the point where he failed and lost out.
you need to do to become prosperous and wealthy, a lot of your previous programming will need to be replaced or you will need to reprogram your subconscious mind so you will have the right mindset to forge ahead and become the person you want to be.
The best way to overcome previous programming is to replace that programming with new programming. This means continued affirmations.
You need to change your mindset with words and phrases that will up build you and help you develop a better personality.
There are many steps you can take to help you to change your previous programming so as to reflect the new programming. It will take time, patience, and perseverance, but the time involved will produce results.
You just need to decide for yourself if you want to change. If you don’t want to change, you won’t. But if you do want to change, you will. It is control and will power that will determine whether you change or not.
Some people have to get so desperate that they are forced to change when they realize the present course they are facing will lead them nowhere or to disastrous results. But if you act right away, you won’t have to hit rock bottom or face a calamity before you decide to change.
You will have decided that change is required and will take the necessary steps to secure this change.
Just as with computers, subconscious programs can be changed. Operating systems have patches that alter the way the software works. When these patches are applied, they change the settings in the system so as to allow the new settings to take effect and work. Then the operating system has a new way of working. In some cases, these changes may help the user tremendously.
These changes can also provide more functionality and security. This is why upgrading or reprogramming is so important.
If computers go through this, what do you think about the human brain? In order for your brain to function properly and to provide you with everything you need to enjoy and envision life the way you want, you will need a patch job for your conscious and subconscious mind.
You will need to download the program into your conscious, which will feed into the subconscious, and in turn the subconscious will process this new program, and hold it in memory for future use, and/or provide results immediately to the person who received the new programming.
This is the primary way of change. By changing your programming, you can literally change your life and your core beliefs. This is what matters most in life and everyone has a chance to accomplish goodness in their lives if they undertake this challenge and replace old worn-out, self-defeating tapes, and replace them with upbuilding, thoughtprovoking tapes that will alter the programming for good.
Written on Friday, December 14, 2007 by The Pupil
Your Unlimited Power To Become Rich!
Filed Under:
Secret to wealth
You may not realize it, but the mind is very powerful.
It is unlimited in potential. You can create anything you desire just by letting the mind do what it was created by God to do.
Once you begin to understand the power of the mind, and learn the laws of the universe, you can reprogram your subconscious so you can obtain anything you want in life and live life to the fullest.
If you think about one thing for a minute it is this: you do not need to struggle in life to make something of yourself.
All you need to do is apply the principles set out in this ebook and the new programming you will receive will turn your life around.
Life does have a purpose for you and will give you abundance if you program your mind in that direction.
Once you learn and apply the principles and techniques required to alter your programming, enhance your mind’s functions, and improve the way your mind can develop, you can have anything you want or desire.
It just takes a single step and understanding of the mechanism to appreciate what it does.
The mind has a great deal of power as was stated above. It has the ability to heal all diseases. But yet, in the average person, only 10% of the mind is used, which results in 90% not being utilized.
Imagine what we could do if we used the full capacity our mind can muster.
Every person on this planet has the same capacity in their brain but not everyone uses it.
If we were to take a handful of people together and tap into their entire brain function, we could brighten a city for at least a week.
This is how powerful the mind is. It is just the choices we make and the beliefs we were programmed with that separate us from successful individuals.
It is really the programming that we received from birth to the present that shapes who we are and what we do.
We have the capability to do marvelous things, but it is our belief system and our faith that allows us to take part in some events in our lives or not.
Our belief system or programming is what sets us apart from other people. Everyone on this planet has a belief system in place that guides their thinking, reasoning, and functions.
Whether these people take part in sports, have a trade, or are lifetime students, the origin is the same. They got to where they are because they knew the power of the human mind and they utilized it to its fullest.
You have the ability to have and do whatever you want if you satisfy all the conditions that will allow you to use your powerful mind to the greatest degree. You first have to be aware of what you want.
The next step is to desire what you want. The next step involves your pre-processed programming – your beliefs. If your beliefs will allow the situation to occur, it will. But if your beliefs will not allow it to occur, you won’t do it.
This is why the idea of subconscious programming is so important.
It is the mechanism by which your old thought processes can be changed so you will have new beliefs.
As a matter of fact, there have been studies done that showed people accomplishing great feats with the power of their mind. Acknowledging this power and using it beneficially is what will help you take the first step toward realizing your goal of obtaining whatever it is you want.
You can prosper with no problem once you understand the power of your mind, and use it for the purpose it was created for: to give you everything and anything you want in life.
But before you can do anything you must be open to the world of your mind, and see the immense power your mind has.
In order to do this we first tap into our subconscious. Many of these terms will be covered later in chapter two, but it would be good to summarize them here so as to give you a head start as it were.
The Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind acts as the translator to the conscious mind. It is given commands by the conscious mind and fulfills those commands with ease.
The subconscious mind is also referred to as the go-between between the conscious and superconscious mind.
In order to program your mind to do what you want it to do, you first have to understand the subconscious mind and how it works, or you won’t know how to program the mind.
You must learn how to control the subconscious mind so you can learn how to reprogram it.
Only then will you have the ability to achieve personal development and reach the empowerment that only your mind can give you. Once you reach this plateau, you will be able to command anyone and get anything you want. Only then will you have fulfilled your dreams of living your life to the fullest.
And what is so special about the procedure is that it really does not take long to perform the exercises you need to gain control and reprogram the subconscious mind.
Developing your understanding of the power of the mind starts with knowing two laws or principles.
These two laws are The Law of Vibration and The Law of Attraction. If you are unfamiliar with these laws they will be covered briefly below.
Just know before these two laws are discussed, that when you understand these two laws and how they apply to the subconscious mind, you will begin to see how powerful the mind really is.
The Law of Vibration
The Law of Vibration seems easy to understand but can be complicated to those who do not know how it works.
The one principle you will take away from this discussion is that The Law of Vibration will always be here among us and always works, whether we choose to believe it or not.
The Law of Vibration states that everything in the universe, no matter what it may be, is energy. Energy makes up the entire universe.
You place a particle under a very powerful microscope and you will see molecules. These molecules are in a constant state of movement. If we looked inside a molecule we would see an atom. And inside this atom you will find a proton in the center with an electron circling around.
This is energy vibrating. Everything vibrates at different rates or speeds. When the vibration is within our ability or frequency range, we can hear or see the vibrating source of energy.
Because we were created by God or by some infinite spirit or consciousness (as some like to call it), this higher power vibrates as well.
And since we are a part of this creation or consciousness, we are also energy in the form of a body. We vibrate like anything else. Every part of us is a vibration including our thoughts and sounds.
Light is also vibrating. Since we know our bodies vibrate and our thoughts also vibrate, then if we become aligned with the universe in vibration, we will be able to attract whatever the vibrations point to.
But our thoughts, which go back to our conscious and subconscious, must vibrate in tune to the universe for us to achieve what we wish.
This is why we must monitor our thoughts within our conscious and subconscious so as to make sure all input is in vibration or harmony with the universe.
The Law of Attraction
Just as we have the Law of Vibration, we also have The Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is a universal law that states that there is a cause and effect to everything we think and do.
If we think about a particular thing, we end up getting it. Just as it is important to learn about The Law of Vibration, you must also learn about The Law of Attraction. If you want to learn how to attract anything you desire you need to set up an attraction for it. To do this, you must make sure your thoughts within your subconscious mind are geared toward what you are trying to attract.
If they aren't, you won’t get it, instead you will get what you don’t want, because your subconscious mind thought it.
The Law of Attraction is something that exists apart from you. It exists and therefore it is. The Law of Attraction is a universal law that never goes away. You can control it to some degree by what you vibrate to; by what your thoughts are geared to. The end result is simple, if you reprogram your subconscious mind to vibrate with the universe, you can get anything you want just by thinking it.
The Function of the Subconscious Mind
Now that you know the two different laws that work with the subconscious mind to grant you what you want and to provide the effective programming you will need for prosperity, you would do well to focus on the subconscious mind itself.
Knowing how the subconscious mind functions will be a stepping stone toward controlling it.
When you think of the subconscious mind you may think of it as the brain. If you did you would be wrong. The brain is not the mind, but the brain makes up a part of the mind.
The mind uses the brain to carry out its functions as required.
The conscious mind is used to take in input through all five human senses and interprets this input.
It then sends these interpretations to the subconscious mind for processing. The subconscious mind then manages these inputs by controlling what they do to the body or by what action the person takes. Your intuition or psychic powers arise from your subconscious mind.
If you want to focus on getting something, all you have to do is start the process by thinking about what you want, then that thought will proceed to your subconscious mind, which in turn will act on your thought, which will be in vibration with the universe, and the result – you will obtain what you thought about.
And what is amazing about the subconscious mind is the fact that it is always working. It never stops functioning.
This is why you have dreams at night. The subconscious has processed all information and is ready to deliver the result to you, either through your dream, or by you obtaining what you thought about or wanted.
The main thing is that you, or we should say, your subconscious, must be in total vibration to the universe for you to get whatever it is you desire.
This means your programming in your subconscious must be in line with what you desire for you to get it. If this programming is not in alignment, you will not be in vibration, which in turn will cause you not to get what you wanted or desired. This is why you must be in total alignment with the universe. And by having your thoughts vibrating this way, you will be in alignment.
To recap, you must understand how the The Law of Vibration, The Law of Attraction, and the subconscious mind work, in order to be able to get what you want in life and to live life abundantly in prosperity.
The whole principle works simply by the conscious mind taking in the input, which can be from all five senses; it will then take this and interprets what it receives. The conscious mind then transmits this to the subconscious mind for processing and acting on.
During this stage, if the subconscious mind has any programming held in memory that is in opposition to the thoughts being processed, there is no vibration and no alignment to the universe. And when that happens, the desire or want will fail to materialize.
To obtain anything you want in life, you must make sure your pre-programmed subconscious mind is right and in tune to the vibrations of the universe. If it is not in line with and vibrating to the universe, you'd better undergo changes in your mindset and alter the programming so you will be in tune and vibrating in harmony with what you want.
Another way to look at how the mind works between the conscious and subconscious is to think of it from this point of view: when you develop a thought, it is analyzed by the conscious mind which then starts to send electro-chemicals within the brain. As the electro-chemicals travel through the brain, neural pathways are opened and the data passes through the brain.
As the data travels, additional cells throughout the brain are imprinted with the data being processed. The conscious mind then attaches emotion to the thought based on its perceived interpretation of the data. This increases the vibration of the thought and at that time a belief is established. This belief is then stored in the subconscious mind. This belief could be based on truth, reality, or a lie. It depends on where the thought came from and how it was interpreted. This data can then be accessed and utilized in the future by the conscious mind to either support or deny any further thoughts that are inputted into the conscious mind.
When the conscious mind receives the same input again, it is the job of the subconscious mind to locate and provide that data which was stored previously, send it back to the conscious mind with an emotion of some type included, which was also stored previously with the data, which will create a vibration based on the frequency of the data presented.
If this previously stored data matches the vibration of the universe, there is an alignment and the result is the creation or manifestation of what that thought was intended to provide.
This really is not a hard process to achieve. It just takes work and determination, and having faith doesn’t hurt either. You must always remember that the subconscious mind does not know the difference between what is real or imagined. It only responds to what is fed to it. So for it to work correctly, you must be sure of what you are feeding it, and what has already been fed before, if you really want to succeed at the game of subconscious programming or mind control.
Written on Thursday, December 13, 2007 by The Pupil
Think And Act Rich
Filed Under:
Secret to wealth
Initially, we shall explore a few ways on how the rich act in accordance with their thinking and how we can apply these ways to encourage and guide us in doing the same.
Always keep in mind that you can attract as much money as you desire by knowing that it is all in the mind.
It is what you choose to think, and act upon, that produces the money you want. What you think will be, will be.
Control Your Expenses
When I was still young, I used to hear the expression: “Live within your means.” I think nowadays, we need to correct this expression by changing “within” to “below.”
These days, if we work for somebody or for a corporation, we need to set aside some savings which we can use for a “rainy day.” There is never enough savings, that is why we sometimes find a second job. And this is the reason why we want to improve our lives financially, by getting off the “rat race” and achieving financial freedom.
Sometimes, we have the uncontrollable habit of buying things we don’t actually need, especially when items are “on sale.” We stock up on things that are “on sale” thinking that we are saving.
At first thought, it seems we are, but on second thought, we are actually losing.
Foodstuffs get spoiled. Clothes go out of fashion. Appliances’ warranties expire even before they are used. Sometimes, they become defective due to prolonged storage. And new models are introduced which makes what you have on hand, obsolete or phased out.
This might probably be the reason why they are “on sale.” If you notice, most electronic appliances are expensive the first time they are introduced and they become cheaper in time.
We stock up on things thinking that a similar opportunity might not come our way the next time. I hate to say this but probably some products are excessively produced on purpose, to be put up “on sale” if not completely sold while regularly priced.
To some producers, it’s cheaper to sell at cost or minimum profit than to keep under storage, not to mention expiration dates. This is also one way to promote a product. You see, when people know that a certain product sometimes goes “on sale,” they always have the product on mind.
It’s free advertisement at its best. The product makers don’t lose money anyway. On the contrary, they make money.
All too often, even the rich people fall prey to this kind of promotion. The poor and middle class would say: “I might as well spend my savings on these items since little savings are not going to make me rich anyway.”
And you know what happens to your house if you keep on stocking up? You turn your house into a warehouse. There will be clutter everywhere, especially when your house isn’t big enough.
You buy things “on sale,” only if you intend to sell them for a profit and not for your own future consumption. Keeping a reasonable quantity is justifiable.
Be prudent. This is one habit that we need to improve or correct.
If you are making enough or more than enough, keep in mind that it is not how much you
make that can make you rich. It is how much you spend and how much you keep.
Some of us have the habit of buying luxuries the moment we have the money or credit
line for it. Most rich people, in spite of being rich, buy luxuries last.
With the money you keep, books are some of the best investments. They keep you
skillful. They open up new horizons which can lead to creating wealth. The same thing is
true with seminars, tapes, and other media related to acquiring financial knowledge.
Be Generous
Many people think that rich people are selfish, that’s why they have lots of money at
hand. This may be true in some cases; however, there are a lot more individuals who are
wealthy because they know how to give.
When you give something from your heart without expecting anything in return, you
release a powerful force that will trigger your good deed to "bounce" back to you in
amazing, and sometimes unusual ways.
Whenever possible, be generous in giving to others. You will notice that what you
receive, or the return, will be more than what you give. As humans, we have the tendency
to reciprocate what we receive. But don’t give for the sake of expecting something in
return. Give freely from your heart, and the rewards would be greater.
The act of giving can summon the spirit of joy to come into your heart. How would you
feel when you've given something to your less fortunate neighbors? Let me tell you that
nothing could brighten up a day more than hearing them express their most heartfelt
gratitude and seeing their smiles extend from ear to ear.
Giving is also a healthy habit. It could prolong your life by instilling within you an inner
sense of peace and accomplishment.
Written on by The Pupil
Unlocking The Wealth Machine Within!
Filed Under:
Secret to wealth
Every action starts with a thought. This is what guides us and helps us deal with life on its own terms.
When we have to make decisions we use our faculty of the brain to think and reason about what we are facing so we can come to some positive conclusion that is most beneficial to ourselves and hopefully to those around us.
It doesn’t matter what our station in life may be, we all use the same avenue that allows us to make decisions by what we experience, see or hear.
If we think bad thoughts, bad things happen to us. If we think good thoughts, good things happen to us.
This way of thinking we believe comes from our consciousness. It dictates the way we think and reason about what has happened in our life and has a direct influence on the outcome of whatever problem or issue we happen to face.
This conscious level controls how we discern our surroundings at any given time.
But did you know that the conscious level of the mind is only involved in what we perceive?
That’s right.
The conscious level only takes in what the eyeballs and ears take in and initially deposit that information. However, the process does not end there, for another step is involved.
There is another level of the brain that has more control over our thoughts than the conscious level does. This is the subconscious. The subconscious is what really processes our thoughts that come into our conscious mind.
The subconscious mind takes those thoughts and processes them for us to act on. The final process is delivered to our conscious mind in the form of feedback that we interpret as our thoughts.
These thoughts also direct our emotions. As you can see the thought process is very powerful.
When these thoughts come to our conscious mind, they may or may not be in harmony with our programming - programming that was ingrained into us when we were little ones. This is programming we received starting at the day of our birth. And so we may reject some thoughts because of our limited beliefs.
But what exactly is the subconscious mind?
You can think of the subconscious mind as something like a computer. When you first purchase a computer you have the hardware that allows it to function the way it was intended.
You have the box the CPU is stored in, the monitor, keyboard, mouse, CD or DVD drive, and hard drive. Everything is there and in place. There is one problem, though. Without the operating system that computer is worthless. The operating system is a set of written code, or instructions if you will, that controls all the hardware on your system.
As soon as the operating system is installed on your computer, suddenly it works and you can now use it for whatever your purpose was when you turned it on.
Plus, you can add more programming to it so it can perform all sorts of different functions besides the basics it came with.
When you perform a task, you are doing it without thinking about what the computer is doing. However, the computer is constantly sending electronic signals back and forth just so you can use that software. You are not conscious of it, but it works.
The mind works the same way.
You have the conscious mind, which as stated before is our current state of awareness. This is where we receive images and hear sounds that are interpreted as thoughts in our consciousness. If you compare the conscious to the computer, the conscious would be a text editor.
You bring it up on your screen and start typing a document. As we type the words on the screen, we are constantly making decisions as to what to say, if the format is right, the spelling is correct, etc.
In our brain, our conscious is the decision maker to a degree.
It takes in all our input and tells the subconscious when to go to work to process that input. After the subconscious mind does what it needs to do, the conscious mind reacts to the results the subconscious mind produces then decides what to do next and feeds that information to the subconscious for processing.
If you compare the subconscious mind to the computer, it is the operating system. It contains all our memory, habits, beliefs, personality, and more. The subconscious mind also controls the body.
It will store information and act on it. The subconscious acts on whatever it is given by using predefined instructions (just as an operating system does) that basically tells it what to do and how to do it. Of course, the body itself is the output of the computer, or the screen. It responds to the programming by doing or reacting to what was intended by the subconscious mind. And what is awesome about this whole endeavor is that it does all this automatically.
Therefore, the mind has two areas or functions – the conscious and subconscious.
Without these, we would be just like a computer without the operating system – a box of hardware that does absolutely nothing.
This is why conditioning or feeding the subconscious mind the correct input is vital to our existence.
Think about it. If you have a bad experience at some point in your life, your conscious mind will take that in as input and send that input to your subconscious mind for processing.
The result is that bad experience will stay locked up in your memory bank for later recall.
So when you face that same or similar experience later, the subconscious automatically retrieves the memory so you can feel the same sensations you did previously.
Not everyone knows that there is a non-physical barrier that lies between our conscious and subconscious that works to prevent anything from reaching our subconscious mind that is not in harmony with what our previous programming was.
This can be a good thing, for it protects us from any negative thoughts or prevents any unknown or unwanted thoughts from entering into our subconscious mind.
If this area of our brain is designed to prevent unwanted thoughts from entering our subconscious, how did we get programmed in the beginning? Let’s take a look at this to see how this was possible.
When we examine programming we find there are three types we go through in life. The first one, genetic, is part of our heritage.
It is programming that comes from our genes. This includes how our body functions, our personality, the talents we develop, etc. The second type of programming involves our environment.
This is what we learn as we grow up including our name, our sense of who we are and what we are about, how to read and write, how to dress, how to keep ourselves clean, eventually how to drive when we get old enough, how to get along with others around us, and more.
The programming receive from our environment also includes what we learned from our parents, TV, the movies, our peers, our teachers, what we read, what we are told from others, and commercials on TV and radio.
Anything that originates in the environment has to do with this type of programming.
The third type of programming, is one you will normally not hear about or read about, because it is an area of our brain that scientists have kept secret because they are either scared by it, or don’t fully understand it.
This third level of programming has to do with what is referred to as mass mind. or “race mind” as certain people call it. Some call it human race consciousness. Some doctors also called it the collective unconscious.
This is the type of programming that we absorb without even knowing it and includes the beliefs and attitudes we have about our family, our country, our culture, our ethnic background, and our socio-economic status in life.
The reason this type of programming is rarely discussed in psychiatry or even in medical journals is because we don’t even realize this is programming. We think it is just a way we run our lives and we accept it that way.
We are programmed the same way a computer is programmed. We are fed thoughts just as a computer is fed thoughts, only our programming is done by actual words, while a computer is programmed by machine language or code. This code is in the form of numbers and is done in a logical sequence.
Subconscious programming is not done simply by thoughts that are repeated over and over on a consistent basis.
Instead, it involves neurological patterns that occur within our cellular structure. And since our bodies are made up of millions of cells, whatever is in our subconscious mind can affect our health for good or bad.
This is why if we are to try to change our lives, we need to do more than change our thoughts, we have to go deeper than that and change our programming.
Changing our programming involves many series of steps and processes that will be discussed in this ebook. The main point to remember here is that our cellular level has to change if we want our bodies and our lives to change.
There are two ways in which we can reprogram ourselves.
The first way is what scientists call the “quantum leap” method. This is when you get a conscious awareness of some extreme event that literally changes your thoughts and attitudes.
An example of a change like this could be when someone has been diagnosed with a fatal disease and knows he will die in a certain time, but suddenly a miracle occurs and the person is cured of the disease. The other way to reprogram our minds is through repetition and reinforcement.
It is not just a matter of saying a word or phrase over and over again.
You must perform some technique that will break that barrier that prevents certain thoughts or signals from gaining entry into the subconscious area. This area is very strong and impermeable. It is like using a hammer on a cement block.
If you strike it enough times you will chip away at it; so too with the brain. You have to feed it a lot of continuous thoughts that basically repeat the same words or phrases over and over again.
It is like learning a new skill.
Unless you are a genius or extremely intelligent, you have to practice that skill for a time until you have it so ingrained in your mind that it becomes a part of you or becomes second nature, because the repetition has entered your subconscious mind and is now working from there.
If you ever bought subliminal tapes you will find they work because the signals or thoughts do not push into that barrier.
Instead the signals go directly into the subconscious and plant themselves there. And as the thoughts are being directed to you, your subconscious mind collects these thoughts and retains them, and locks them away in your memory banks forever.
In the upcoming pages, you will learn techniques that will help you to change your mindset and alter your subconscious programming so that you can change your way of thinking and live life the way you intend.
You will become educated on how the human mind works and you will see how much power the human mind has. This will help guide you in the right direction so you’ll have a better understanding as to the proper way to alter your subconscious mind.
Every step in the process may seem intimidating to you at first because you have held your beliefs for so long that any change will seem scary if not downright terrifying.
But it is at this time you have to put your blinders on and just go with the process, otherwise you will never see change occur in your life.
Anthony Robbins said it best when he mentioned in one of his audio recordings that people live in a comfort zone. Whether it is good or bad, they live in a zone that they are familiar with.
What may seem to us as pain is pleasure to them.
If this description fits you, the only way to turn your life around is to be convinced that your pain is not pleasure but pain.
This will force you to want change. This can be done with subconscious programming.
But the initial stage has to be set and that begins with you. You are the one who has to decide to change.
No one else can make that decision for you. It really depends on how badly you want change.
If you are tired of living in your pain but want to live in peace, joy, pleasure, and have a good life, you need to alter your thoughts and those altered thoughts will in turn lead you to change which will in the end change your feelings.
Your life will actually take on a new meaning and you’ll be grateful you took the step forward. So if you are ready to take the plunge and begin the life-long process of change, you need to take that first step and that involves your mindset.
But before we get into that you must understand the mind itself before you can learn about thoughts and how the mind uses and stores thoughts.
Without further ado, let’s get started.