Your Unlimited Power To Become Rich!

You may not realize it, but the mind is very powerful.

It is unlimited in potential. You can create anything you desire just by letting the mind do what it was created by God to do.

Once you begin to understand the power of the mind, and learn the laws of the universe, you can reprogram your subconscious so you can obtain anything you want in life and live life to the fullest.

If you think about one thing for a minute it is this: you do not need to struggle in life to make something of yourself.

All you need to do is apply the principles set out in this ebook and the new programming you will receive will turn your life around.

Life does have a purpose for you and will give you abundance if you program your mind in that direction.

Once you learn and apply the principles and techniques required to alter your programming, enhance your mind’s functions, and improve the way your mind can develop, you can have anything you want or desire.

It just takes a single step and understanding of the mechanism to appreciate what it does.

The mind has a great deal of power as was stated above. It has the ability to heal all diseases. But yet, in the average person, only 10% of the mind is used, which results in 90% not being utilized.

Imagine what we could do if we used the full capacity our mind can muster.

Every person on this planet has the same capacity in their brain but not everyone uses it.

If we were to take a handful of people together and tap into their entire brain function, we could brighten a city for at least a week.

This is how powerful the mind is. It is just the choices we make and the beliefs we were programmed with that separate us from successful individuals.

It is really the programming that we received from birth to the present that shapes who we are and what we do.

We have the capability to do marvelous things, but it is our belief system and our faith that allows us to take part in some events in our lives or not.

Our belief system or programming is what sets us apart from other people. Everyone on this planet has a belief system in place that guides their thinking, reasoning, and functions.

Whether these people take part in sports, have a trade, or are lifetime students, the origin is the same. They got to where they are because they knew the power of the human mind and they utilized it to its fullest.

You have the ability to have and do whatever you want if you satisfy all the conditions that will allow you to use your powerful mind to the greatest degree. You first have to be aware of what you want.

The next step is to desire what you want. The next step involves your pre-processed programming – your beliefs. If your beliefs will allow the situation to occur, it will. But if your beliefs will not allow it to occur, you won’t do it.

This is why the idea of subconscious programming is so important.

It is the mechanism by which your old thought processes can be changed so you will have new beliefs.

As a matter of fact, there have been studies done that showed people accomplishing great feats with the power of their mind. Acknowledging this power and using it beneficially is what will help you take the first step toward realizing your goal of obtaining whatever it is you want.

You can prosper with no problem once you understand the power of your mind, and use it for the purpose it was created for: to give you everything and anything you want in life.

But before you can do anything you must be open to the world of your mind, and see the immense power your mind has.

In order to do this we first tap into our subconscious. Many of these terms will be covered later in chapter two, but it would be good to summarize them here so as to give you a head start as it were.

The Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind acts as the translator to the conscious mind. It is given commands by the conscious mind and fulfills those commands with ease.

The subconscious mind is also referred to as the go-between between the conscious and superconscious mind.

In order to program your mind to do what you want it to do, you first have to understand the subconscious mind and how it works, or you won’t know how to program the mind.

You must learn how to control the subconscious mind so you can learn how to reprogram it.

Only then will you have the ability to achieve personal development and reach the empowerment that only your mind can give you. Once you reach this plateau, you will be able to command anyone and get anything you want. Only then will you have fulfilled your dreams of living your life to the fullest.

And what is so special about the procedure is that it really does not take long to perform the exercises you need to gain control and reprogram the subconscious mind.

Developing your understanding of the power of the mind starts with knowing two laws or principles.

These two laws are The Law of Vibration and The Law of Attraction. If you are unfamiliar with these laws they will be covered briefly below.

Just know before these two laws are discussed, that when you understand these two laws and how they apply to the subconscious mind, you will begin to see how powerful the mind really is.

The Law of Vibration
The Law of Vibration seems easy to understand but can be complicated to those who do not know how it works.

The one principle you will take away from this discussion is that The Law of Vibration will always be here among us and always works, whether we choose to believe it or not.

The Law of Vibration states that everything in the universe, no matter what it may be, is energy. Energy makes up the entire universe.

You place a particle under a very powerful microscope and you will see molecules. These molecules are in a constant state of movement. If we looked inside a molecule we would see an atom. And inside this atom you will find a proton in the center with an electron circling around.

This is energy vibrating. Everything vibrates at different rates or speeds. When the vibration is within our ability or frequency range, we can hear or see the vibrating source of energy.

Because we were created by God or by some infinite spirit or consciousness (as some like to call it), this higher power vibrates as well.

And since we are a part of this creation or consciousness, we are also energy in the form of a body. We vibrate like anything else. Every part of us is a vibration including our thoughts and sounds.

Light is also vibrating. Since we know our bodies vibrate and our thoughts also vibrate, then if we become aligned with the universe in vibration, we will be able to attract whatever the vibrations point to.

But our thoughts, which go back to our conscious and subconscious, must vibrate in tune to the universe for us to achieve what we wish.

This is why we must monitor our thoughts within our conscious and subconscious so as to make sure all input is in vibration or harmony with the universe.

The Law of Attraction
Just as we have the Law of Vibration, we also have The Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is a universal law that states that there is a cause and effect to everything we think and do.

If we think about a particular thing, we end up getting it. Just as it is important to learn about The Law of Vibration, you must also learn about The Law of Attraction. If you want to learn how to attract anything you desire you need to set up an attraction for it. To do this, you must make sure your thoughts within your subconscious mind are geared toward what you are trying to attract.

If they aren't, you won’t get it, instead you will get what you don’t want, because your subconscious mind thought it.

The Law of Attraction is something that exists apart from you. It exists and therefore it is. The Law of Attraction is a universal law that never goes away. You can control it to some degree by what you vibrate to; by what your thoughts are geared to. The end result is simple, if you reprogram your subconscious mind to vibrate with the universe, you can get anything you want just by thinking it.

The Function of the Subconscious Mind
Now that you know the two different laws that work with the subconscious mind to grant you what you want and to provide the effective programming you will need for prosperity, you would do well to focus on the subconscious mind itself.

Knowing how the subconscious mind functions will be a stepping stone toward controlling it.

When you think of the subconscious mind you may think of it as the brain. If you did you would be wrong. The brain is not the mind, but the brain makes up a part of the mind.

The mind uses the brain to carry out its functions as required.

The conscious mind is used to take in input through all five human senses and interprets this input.

It then sends these interpretations to the subconscious mind for processing. The subconscious mind then manages these inputs by controlling what they do to the body or by what action the person takes. Your intuition or psychic powers arise from your subconscious mind.

If you want to focus on getting something, all you have to do is start the process by thinking about what you want, then that thought will proceed to your subconscious mind, which in turn will act on your thought, which will be in vibration with the universe, and the result – you will obtain what you thought about.

And what is amazing about the subconscious mind is the fact that it is always working. It never stops functioning.

This is why you have dreams at night. The subconscious has processed all information and is ready to deliver the result to you, either through your dream, or by you obtaining what you thought about or wanted.

The main thing is that you, or we should say, your subconscious, must be in total vibration to the universe for you to get whatever it is you desire.

This means your programming in your subconscious must be in line with what you desire for you to get it. If this programming is not in alignment, you will not be in vibration, which in turn will cause you not to get what you wanted or desired. This is why you must be in total alignment with the universe. And by having your thoughts vibrating this way, you will be in alignment.

To recap, you must understand how the The Law of Vibration, The Law of Attraction, and the subconscious mind work, in order to be able to get what you want in life and to live life abundantly in prosperity.

The whole principle works simply by the conscious mind taking in the input, which can be from all five senses; it will then take this and interprets what it receives. The conscious mind then transmits this to the subconscious mind for processing and acting on.

During this stage, if the subconscious mind has any programming held in memory that is in opposition to the thoughts being processed, there is no vibration and no alignment to the universe. And when that happens, the desire or want will fail to materialize.

To obtain anything you want in life, you must make sure your pre-programmed subconscious mind is right and in tune to the vibrations of the universe. If it is not in line with and vibrating to the universe, you'd better undergo changes in your mindset and alter the programming so you will be in tune and vibrating in harmony with what you want.

Another way to look at how the mind works between the conscious and subconscious is to think of it from this point of view: when you develop a thought, it is analyzed by the conscious mind which then starts to send electro-chemicals within the brain. As the electro-chemicals travel through the brain, neural pathways are opened and the data passes through the brain.

As the data travels, additional cells throughout the brain are imprinted with the data being processed. The conscious mind then attaches emotion to the thought based on its perceived interpretation of the data. This increases the vibration of the thought and at that time a belief is established. This belief is then stored in the subconscious mind. This belief could be based on truth, reality, or a lie. It depends on where the thought came from and how it was interpreted. This data can then be accessed and utilized in the future by the conscious mind to either support or deny any further thoughts that are inputted into the conscious mind.

When the conscious mind receives the same input again, it is the job of the subconscious mind to locate and provide that data which was stored previously, send it back to the conscious mind with an emotion of some type included, which was also stored previously with the data, which will create a vibration based on the frequency of the data presented.

If this previously stored data matches the vibration of the universe, there is an alignment and the result is the creation or manifestation of what that thought was intended to provide.

This really is not a hard process to achieve. It just takes work and determination, and having faith doesn’t hurt either. You must always remember that the subconscious mind does not know the difference between what is real or imagined. It only responds to what is fed to it. So for it to work correctly, you must be sure of what you are feeding it, and what has already been fed before, if you really want to succeed at the game of subconscious programming or mind control.

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