Beware This Great Trap On Money-making

The article that gave birth to this book was called "The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History," which was a shorter version of chapter one.

That article became so popular that it was distributed to thousands of people across the Internet. Ezine publishers reproduced and distributed it. Content websites stored the article on their sites. And dozens of people wrote me, most thanking me and praising the article.

But a few of the emails I received were curious. They were from people asking me for money.

Apparently they read my article and concluded that I was someone who would give money to anyone who asked for it. So they wrote and asked for it.

The problem is, that.s not what the article describes as the great secret for attracting wealth. I never wrote, "Ask for money and you'll get wealthy." Instead I conveyed the message, "Give money to wherever you received spiritual nourishment and you'll activate the money-attracting law."

I wrote to every person who had written to me asking for money. I explained the concept.

None of them wrote back.

I'm bringing this experience up for you to consider for two reasons:

1. Don't beg for money and expect to get wealthy. Just look at the beggars on the streets. They are not living
prosperous life styles. They are just getting by, if that. Or look at the people who do fund-raising. Most of them are begging, though they would never call it that, and they never seem to have enough. Is that a clue or what?

2. Don't give money to beggars and expect to get wealthy. I didn't say don't help the poor, though it's questionable how much it helps them to hand them things. Instead, I.m saying don.t give money to people just because they ask for it and expect to turn on the universe's cornucopia.

I see giving money out of a sense of obligation or duty as a trap.

That was always the problem I had with ministers who asked people to give money because either (a) they needed it or (b) the Bible decreed it.

Either may be true. But if you or anyone gives money without a feeling of joy in your heart, it is highly unlikely that the money you gave will come back to you multiplied.

The best way to determine where to give money is to ask yourself one simple question:

Where did you receive the most joy?

And if you want further clarity, or more questions to assist you in knowing where to give money, try these on for size:

Where were you reminded of your divinity?
Where were you encouraged to go for your dreams?
Who made you feel glad to be alive?

Whatever your answer, that's where to give your money.

"Many people have had a psychological block against tithing (giving), because so many theologians have stressed what tithing would do for the church rather than what it could do for the individual."
-- Catherine Ponder, Open Your Mind to Prosperity

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