I've known Mandy Evans for about twenty years. She is a remarkable belief-clearing counselor. I asked her to compile a list of the most common negative or limiting beliefs about money that she could find. I also asked her to tell us how to remove them. The reason for my request is sometimes people give but have beliefblocks keeping them from receiving. Clear the blocks and the prosperity comes. The following article by Mandy offers a truly brilliant way out of the maze of limiting beliefs about money.
What you believe about money will play a greater role in your level of prosperity and in your enjoyment of that prosperity than most people imagine.
In fact, most people do not imagine the role beliefs play in their financial success or lack of it. Most people never even think about their beliefs. We just act on them.
I have been collecting examples of self-defeating beliefs like squirrels collect nuts for the winter for a long time. Here are some real beliefs about money from real people in real workshops and classes.
These beliefs cut off the inflow of money into countless lives or slowed it to a trickle. Some of them are familiar and some are so unique that they seem strange. Sometimes the same belief can be life-expanding for one person and life-extinguishing for another.
Read through this list and see if you identify with any of the beliefs.
- Money is the root of all evil. (The actual quote is "The love of money is the root of all evil.")
- If I am successful people will hate me.
- If I make a million dollars, I might lose it and then I would feel stupid and hate myself forever.
- There is not enough money to go around.
- If I have a little more than I need to get by, someone else has to go without.
- If I have a lot more than I need to get by, lots of people will have to go without.
- It is better to take less than to be responsible for someone else's hardship.
- Democrats punish the rich.
- Republicans punish the poor.
- If I make a lot of money, I will be betraying my father who never made much money.
- The rich get richer.
- The poor get poorer.
- I am smart and talented; I should get more!
- You should always use money well.
- Money is hard to deal with.
- Money is hard to get.
- You have to work hard to get it.
- To save money you have to do without things.
- Time is money.
- I can't have money and free time.
- Money is not spiritual.
- You have to do lots of things you don't like in order to have money.
- I do not have enough to share or give away.
- Accepting money obligates me.
- It is better to take less than my due and be free from sticky situations.
- To be a valuable person I have to work more for less money than other people do.
- Having money stops you from being happy.
- Money spoils you.
- I will never have enough.
- If I don't feel bad about past mistakes and afraid about the future I will make the same mistakes again. (From an investment broker)
- It's best if I just want enough to get by.
- You get what you deserve.
- Being super-conscious about every single penny is the good . the right - thing to do.
- Never buy anything that you don't need.
- If you were a smart woman you would be supporting yourself easily by now.
- If you were a smart and cute woman you would have married someone with money by now.
- I always rent; owning a house would be too scary.
- I would never feel secure if I had to be responsible for much more than a hammock.
- I have to own my own home to feel secure unless I had at least maybe a yacht. If I buy something that breaks, I'm stupid.
- Worrying about money is tacky.
- Daddy will like me better if I don't spend much.
- I want to have a lot of money when I get old, then people will be nice to me.
- I never want people to know I have so much money because people are really mean to rich people.
- If I get paid a lot people will find out that I am a fraud.
- Daddy will love me lots more if I don't spend much.
- Everybody wants more; when it comes to money, less is better.
- There's somebody else inside me that spends all of my money.
If you identify with any of these beliefs, go though them one by one and answer these three questions about each belief.
• Why do I believe that?
• Is it true?
• What might I be concerned would happen if I did not believe that?
By asking those three probing questions of any belief, you can dis-charge it --- and become free to go for your desires.
You'll also be free to give --- as well as to receive.
Go ahead and work through those beliefs right now.
Mandy Evans has taught thousands of people how to become freer, more creative, and much happier by changing the beliefs that keep them stuck, limit them, and cause emotional pain. Her books "TRAVELLING FREE: How to Recover From the Past" And "Emotional Options" drew endorsements from Deepak Chopra, Bernie Siegel, John Gray and me. Visit www.mandyevans.com
Order her books from www.amazon.com or call 800-431-1579.
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