Many years ago I discovered the Principle of Giving almost by accident.
Initially, around 1994, I noticed that several business clients sent me markedly more referrals after I sent them a huge box of Godiva Chocolates as a thank-you for their business. I noticed that the clients who received chocolates referred around 40% more clients to me than the clients who did not receive my tasty gifts.
Actually, in earlier years prior to my chocolateering endeavors most of my clients gave me 'no referrals' whatsoever--and I might add, in those days quite regularly.
One day upon receiving a swarm of referrals I decided to deepen my commitment to giving. Initially, honestly, it was for selfserving reasons. I was simply blown away by what appeared to be a strong causal relationship between giving and receiving. At that time all I knew was that I had to learn more because I recognized a new, almost mysteriously powerful, aspect of giving at work behind the scenes here.
For the first time I understood clearly that somehow in the vast scheme of life we are rewarded in direct proportion to the value we create for others. I had heard once that the secret to abundant wealth was in creating massive value for others. But, based on my newfound experiences, I was now discovering with renewed white heat fervor that the Principle of Giving was the “gold-rush flumeride” to expedite that flow of wealth into my life.
My self-serving commitment to discover more about giving soon led to a way of life that I later realized would continue to fuel me much more spiritually than it ever would economically. Little did I realize that my seemingly rare flowering rose-like discovery would soon open up into an entire inner garden paradise for me.
I conducted several very powerful experiments on the subject of how giving leads to receiving. I made a deeper, less self-interested, but more self-enlightened commitment. It was out of my simple curiosity to see how I could change other's lives through profound value-sharing as a regular business and life practice.
I began giving more than merely chocolate candies – although Godiva certainly soothes the deepest recesses of my own soul. I gave valuable advice. There were bonus hours spent with clients, ebooks, and article clippings sent to friends about their favorite hobbies. I gave as much as I could to those with whom I had a regular influence.
If someone crossed my pathway, I figured it was for a highercausal purpose and I just shared the most appropriate level of value I could with that person. I did it everyday, one person at a time. I did it with my lists of exclusive business mastermind participants. I did it with my e-list recipients.
For me, it felt like magic. It flowed effortlessly. It transformed my soul. It replaced expensive marketing in my businesses. Best of all, my interior castle would soar into the highest heaven with each person whose life I had the privilege of touching.
Soon my hidden objective was to cause everyone I met to think of me as a value creator. My goal was to become a selfless abundant resource. You see, I had a hunch that if focused more on opening the doorway of my heart to the needs of other people by giving, that this would cause the doorway of my recipients. hearts to open back up to me.
So acting on the Principle of Giving first induces openness in others. This is a powerful precursor for relationship-building business, personal and otherwise.
I then discovered that as a value creator I must give sincerely, selflessly, abundantly, effortlessly, with absolutely no expectation of a direct immediate reward. I also realized that I must be balanced in giving in order to respect the true value of the gifts I gave. Gifts are not only reflections of us, but actual experiential portions of ourselves embodied in external expressions. The same goes for you, too. Every gift that you give which has exceptional meaning and value for your recipient is actually a portion of yourself.
The gift is a part of you that reaches out, makes a connection point and creates a powerful relationship-building bond to your recipient.
The act of bestowing value on others exerts a positive supernatural influence upon any recipient who understands and values your gift.
Shortly after committing to the Principle of Giving as a philosophy of life, I began to notice the occurrence of quite a remarkable spin-off phenomenon occurring.
As a disciple of Joe Vitale's Hypnotic Mindset and Principles, I named my unique observation "the Hypnotic Interchange Phenomenon" because it describes a result of giving that is so subtle it flies under the radar of most people's conscious "rejection detection."
The Hypnotic Interchange Phenomenon is this:
The recipient of my valuable gift unknowingly enters into an implied equal psychological exchange with me instantly upon receiving what I give them.
That’s right. By receiving what I had freely given them, my recipients were becoming programmed to look for every way possible to give something of equal value back to me. At times it would be through a kind word they said about me to a friend. Often it would be a referral to two or three other business partners.
Often I would contact someone to ask him or her if they received a gift I had sent to them, and they would usually overflow with gratitude. It was at those times I realized that my gifts were like planted seeds that would produce a good harvest in a very reasonable time.
It is vital to remind ourselves of the importance of giving something that has a true, high-perceived value for those you choose to lavish your gifts upon.
The psychology of human behavior is relatively timeless.
Master philosophers of past centuries share incredible secrets about the Principle of Giving. Here is a small sample:
Eric Hoffer, of the 20th century, a profound U.S. Philosopher, said, “Someone gives us all he has and we are his.”
20th-Century German philosopher Walter Benjamin said, “Gifts must affect the receiver to the point of shock.”
Jean de La Bruyere, 17th-century French writer, said, “Generosity lies less in giving much than in giving at the right moment.”
6th-Century Chinese philosopher, Lao-Tsu, said, “The sage does not hoard. Having bestowed all he has on others, he has yet more. Having given all he has to others, he is richer still.”
My most recent life work, over two years in the making, has expanded to spurring others to give extreme levels of value. I have been working hard to successfully funnel-influence my dearest
friends who are famous writers and authors to give massive value through me.
These are people who have earned the right to be called rich and famous because they have sold millions of books using the Principle of Giving. They are profound master contributors in our modern world. Now they are freely sharing their secrets with you.
These master contributors include Joe Vitale (Spiritual Marketing), James Redfield (The Celestine Prophecy), Dick Bolles (What Color Is Your Parachute?), Dave Chilton (The Wealthy Barber), and many others.
In keeping with my commitment to becoming an extreme value creator, we are lavishing on anyone who visits over $468 worth of valuable book publishing, e-book, and infopreneur marketing insights from masters who have made millions and have given away a lot. They include the best minds I have ever known or worked with in over 14 years of publishing, marketing and consulting.
Most of all, when you visit you'll be encouraged, uplifted and overwhelmed to see that there are people who truly want to help others . who take action to give by putting the needs of others before their own needs. That alone is a testimony to giving--that it works and works well.
Interestingly, Joe Vitale was one of the very first friends to jump at the chance to contribute to “” Joe is the greatest value creator I know --- because he puts his heart into giving and he is always sharing all the value he's got.
Learn and do.
To see a great example of the Principle of Giving and the Hypnotic Interchange Phenomenon at work on the Internet, visit Allen's website at
“A gift with reservations is not a gift; it is a bribe. There is no promise of increase unless we give freely. Let go of the gift entirely.
Recognize the universal scope of the law. Then the gift has a chance to go out and to come back multiplied. There is no telling how far the blessing may travel before it comes back. It is a beautiful and encouraging fact that the longer it is in returning, the more hands it is passing through and the more hearts it is blessing. All these hands and hearts add something to it in substance. It is increased all the more when it does return”
-- Charles Fillmore, Dynamics for Living
Written on Sunday, September 16, 2007 by The Pupil
The Principle of Giving and The Hypnotic Interchange Phenomenon
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Allen D. Angelo
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