“It’s very important to visualize it and not get caught up in how you are going to get there.”
That is SO BIG! Because almost ALL of us…and I will get caught up in this, too, it’s so easy to do...we’ll say that we want to accomplish something. We want to do a publicity stunt. We want a book to be a bestseller or we want to get $100,000 by Friday. I don’t know what it might be. Everybody right now is thinking of something that they want.
The very first thing that comes up is that we start to figure out “how”. We start to wondering, “Now, how will I do that? How am I going to pull that off?” That’s coming from our ego. Our ego has a VERY limited view of the Universe. Most of the time our ego is going to suggest doing things that we have done before or we have HEARD people do before and that may or may not be correct in achieving your big goal.
What I’ve learned to do is you state your big colossal goal. My big motto that’s on my business card, it’s a 16th century Latin phrase and it means “Dare something worthy.” So, my big goal is to come up with an intention that truly dares something worthy. Maybe it IS like a Canine Concert in order to promote my P.T. Barnum book or who knows what else might come to mind for somebody else.
But as soon as you declare that big intention, you may not know how you are going to pull it off. It’s totally fine not to know! You don’t NEED to know at that point. You want to be OPEN to what comes to you.
I did not know when I said that I wanted to come up with some kind of P.R. stuff for my Barnum book, that I would end up doing a Canine Concert. I didn’t know that! My intention was, “Lets do some sort of media event, something in the public eye, that would get my book noticed by national news. It might help it become a bestseller.” I didn’t know how that would take place!
As I started to ALLOW ideas to come to me, allowing is a key word here, as I started to allow them, just kind of free associate, sleep on it, let it come in meditation, let myself be alert to whatever shows up from books or the media or in an email or a chance encounter.
The next thing I know, I’m at a meeting and there are a couple of magicians there and I just say, “Hey, I’m trying to come up with an idea to promote my books, anybody have any ideas?” They start kicking around an idea and out of that comes another idea and what surfaces over a week or so is this whole Canine Concert. But my ego did not know it and could NEVER have guessed it.
So, trying to figure out how you accomplish something could actually shoot yourself in the foot, because you can limit the possibilities that the Universe could bring to you!
You want to BE OPEN to anything.
You just, if you focus on what it is that you want, it will manifest itself because you are ATTRACTING as you focus on it.
Written on Wednesday, September 26, 2007 by The Pupil
Just think about what you want!
Filed Under:
Joe Vitale
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